Hey Guys!
Since 1995, Twinkling Star Handbag has had its own factory in Quanzhou, Xiamen Port, China,
meticulously crafting each unique handbag to bring you unparalleled quality.
Now, we have taken a new step — we have added a new factory in Vietnam,
dedicated to providing you with even higher quality and more diverse services.
Click on the video below to explore our new factory together!!!
Tel/Whatsapp: +86 188 7658 7260
E-Mail: info@tkstar.com.cn
Website: www.tkstarbag.com
Video Website: www.tkstarvideo.com
Instagram: www.instagram.com/twinkling_star_handbag
Facebook: www.facebook.com/ChinesebagfactoryOEMODM
YouTube: www.youtube.com/c/TwinklingStarHandbag
Linkedin: www.linkedin.com/company/quanzhou-twinkling-star-handbag-co-ltd
Click on the image below to watch the video:
Post time: Jul-10-2024